AdRMM is a multifaceted organization, capable of being viewed from many different perspectives. The company organization is divided into:

What we believe

Mission | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA


Ensure a sustainable and universal quality water distribution, leading the organization into the future.

Values | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA



Vision | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA


Assure national leadership in the service quality provided to the citizens, promoting innovation, sustainability, a new generation of talent, and trustworthy relationships.

Purpose | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA


Make water the primary source of development in Mozambique.

The faces
from AdRMM

Message from the President

Chairman of the Board
Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo

Our History


August 24
The signing of the first contract between the then Municipality of Lourenço Marques and Eng.ºCivil Eugênce F.Tissot (French), granting him the rights to exploit and supply water to the city, for 50 years.


May 9
Tissot surrendered his concession rights to John Crosby Ditken Henderson (English), who also supplied the city using the same systems as Tissot.


May 13
The same concession was sold to The Delagoa Bay Development Corporation, Limited, and between 1904 and 1906, this company installed water elevation on the Umbeluzi River to supply the then-city of Lourenço Marques. The company operated these services until 1945.


October 27
The water supply and electricity supply services to the then-city of Lourenço Marques were definitively handed over to the City Council, and the Municipal Water and Electricity Services (SMAE) were created.


August 27
Through Decree-Law No. 38/77, of August 27, the National Electricity Company, (Empresa Nacional de Electricidade -E.E.), was created, which took over the management of water and electricity supply services for the City of Maputo.


In June 1982, the water supply service was separated from the National Electricity Company through the Ministerial Diploma No. 32/82 of June 23. Then, Empresa Água de Maputo E.E. was created.


Implementation of the Reform of the Delegated Management Framework for the Supply of Urban Water and the creation of FIPAG (Fund for Investment and Assets for Water Supply) and CRAA (Council for the Regulation of Water Supply) through Decree No. 72/98, of December 23rd.


September 27
FIPAG signed the Water Exploration Assignment Contract with the Consortium of Waters of Mozambique, SARL, formed by AdP (Portuguese company), SAUR Internacional (French company) and MAZI (group of Mozambicans).


In December 2001, SAUR International withdrew from the company, and AdP from Portugal purchased the shares and became the majority shareholder of the company.


The company Águas de Moçambique continued to guarantee the water supply in the Greater Maputo region, with AdP as the majority shareholder until December 2010, when it sold its shares to the Mozambican Government, represented by FIPAG.


In January 2011, the company Águas de Moçambique was renamed to Águas da Região de Maputo, SA, with FIPAG and MAZI as shareholders, also changing its respective logo.


November 28
Inauguration of the ETA Compacta in Corumana by the President of the Republic Filipe Jacinto Nyusi. The purpose was to reinforce the water supply in the Greater Maputo Region.


In June 2021, the Government of Mozambique authorized the creation of the Sociedade Comercial Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA through Decree No. 33/2021, of June 4, whose share capital is 100% held by FIPAG.


June 17
The first phase of the expansion of the water supply system to the Maputo Metropolitan Region has been completed, with the Mathlemele and Guava Distribution Centers coming into operation.


August 31
Constitution of the company Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA, and its statutes published in the Boletim da República III Series Number 185 of September 24, 2021.

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 | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA
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