Our experienced professionals identify modern solutions that continually improve the services we provide. It is thanks to them that AdRMM has several projects that currently cover 65% of the Maputo Metropolitan Region.

A strategic initiative by AdRMM, the Accelerated and Integrated Loss Reduction Program (PAIRP) aims at Loss Reduction, Professionalization of Management and Operation Processes, Human Capital Development, and Improvement in the Provision of Water Supply Services.
PAIRP covers all AdRMM areas in a unifying and streamlined manner, and in addition to strategic and coordinated management, it is one of the defined pillars of activities.

Objectives and Goals

<p>Increase in Clients from the current 205.000 to 400.000</p>
 | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Increase in Clients from the current 205.000 to 400.000

<p>Loss Reduction from 55% to 33% by 2024</p>
 | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Loss Reduction from 55% to 33% by 2024

<p>Double AdRMM’s Annual Profits</p>
 | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Double AdRMM’s Annual Profits


1. HC 100%

Human Capital

Investing in people is the programs key to success, hence why it is the number one priority.


  1. Resize the staff by Area;
  2. Implement the Personnel Development and Training plan;
  3. Implement a system of Incentives;
  4. Promote actions to improve employee motivation.

2. UW

Unbilled Water  33%

We are committed to reducing losses as it is an opportunity to increase business volume, improve operational efficiency and ensure sustainability.


  1. Actions to reduce technical losses;
  2. Actions to reduce commercial losses;
  3. Loss Management and Reduction Technologies;
  4. Macro-Measurement;
  5. Training / Training.

3. EE

Energetic Efficiency

We are committed to reducing losses as it is an opportunity to increase business volume, improve operational efficiency and ensure sustainability.


  1. Implement Maintenance Master Plan;
  2. Implement mechanisms to gain energy efficiency;
  3. Reduce the risk and improve the security of the water supply;
  4. Implement the semi-automatic operation of the system in Alta.

4. WQ 100%

Water Quality

Our dedication lies in consistently enhancing the quality of both produced and distributed water, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life for the population.


  1. Adapt and optimize the water treatment processes at the Umbeluz ETA;
  2. Train the central WQ laboratory and ensure the progressive increase of certified parameters;
  3. Ensure the implementation of the water contamination risk management plan in all organs of the system.

5. C100%

Counter Replacement

Measurement reliability is the key to better targeting approaches to the water supply service delivery.


  1. Measurement of counters;.
  2. Capitalize on prepaid meters and with Telemetry;.
  3. Campaign to replace broken and damaged meters.

6. D0

Zero Debt

We are aware that improving the quality of service provided and satisfaction will renew the commitment of customers in accepting their responsibility in paying for water.  It is expected to recover 400M Mt by 2024.

7. S0

Zero Suspension

One of the challenges associated with the increase in losses is the increase in customers suspended from consumption, reaching around 60 thousand in the entire Maputo system.


  1. Improve the water supply service in critical areas with a supply deficit, with a focus on Tsalala, Machava, Matola Rio, and Boane;
  2. Promotion of campaigns to connect terminated installations;

8. W24

24H Water Supply

All PAIRP initiatives have an impact on improving service quality. However, the increase in distribution time will be one of the consequences of the program as a whole.


  1. Greater availability of water in the system through the entry of new sources (Corumana and field of emergency holes) and reduction of losses;
  2. Mapping of critical areas in the distribution network with an indication of the length of service provided;
  3. Implement actions to requalify the old-fashioned network and transfer branches.

9. 400K

Increase Client Protfolio to 400.000 in 2024

With the new Corumana system, an emergency drilling field, and loss reduction, it is expected to double the current customer portfolio.


  1. Community involvement in attracting and implementing new connections;
  2. Creation of partnerships with private suppliers for the sale of high water;
  3. Recovery of customers suspended due to lack of water or payment;
  4. Network expansion to new areas not covered by the service.

10. 300M

It aims to ensure the increase in the monthly collection from the current 200 to 300 Million Mt. Complementary initiatives include Sealing of Meters, Mobility, Billing Rule, Training, Incentives, Meters with telemetry, and the Centralization of Invoicing.

A community initiative that discourages deviant practices in the operation of water supply systems within communities. The project, in partnership with the Municipalities of Maputo and Cidade da Matola, involves Neighborhood Secretariats which, in turn, mobilize young Community Agents to monitor and report water theft and illicit consumption, raise awareness about paying water bills, community access to the service with subsidized costs and the search for solutions to the focused problems of community water management.

The Communities Project embodies the desire to raise human dignity and social cohesion through the participation of communities in resolving their problems with responsibility and freedom.

AdRMM initiative that consists of the representative participation of communities in defining priorities and managing water supply systems at a local level. | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA
AdRMM initiative that consists of the representative participation of communities in defining priorities and managing water supply systems at a local level. | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

AdRMM initiative that consists of the representative participation of communities in defining priorities and managing water supply systems at a local level.


Campanhas | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Create different levels of management and operation of inspection points for illegal water consumption to promote autonomy, supervision, and control of the community;

Campanhas | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Make communities aware of the payment of water bills and its rational use;

Campanhas | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Increase the customer portfolio by reversing illicit water consumption to licit;

Campanhas | AdRMM: Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo, SA

Establish institutional partnerships with Municipalities, District Headquarters, Local Authorities, Communities, and Activists.

AdRMM is committed to the social well-being of Mozambicans, especially in the area of cession of exploitation of the water supply system.
In this context, it is a subscriber of initiatives to promote sustainability and Human Rights, a promoter of objective 06 of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS6).


  • Promotion of economically sustainable business opportunities;
Responsible for environmental promotion and preservation;
Promotion of good practices in Education, Health, Culture, Sport and Social Welfare;
Promotion of socially responsible practices;
Production and distribution of water in quantity and quality;
Promotion of socially constructive relationships in the company's functional structure.


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